Headaches are a common reason why people go to a doctor. About 45 million people suffer from headaches. The most common types of headaches are tension type headaches and migraines. These can be caused by environmental triggers, specific foods, medications, and have a tendency to run in families. Medical treatment for a headache is (drum roll) medication (you're shocked right). What you will be shocked about is seeing what type of medications are used to treat headaches. They include anticonvulsants, antidepressants, betablockers, Serotonergic agents, NSAIDS, Opiates, barbiturate, steroids, and more. NSAIDS (advil, ibuprofen, aleve, etc), the most recognizable of the bunch have the side effect of headaches. Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and nutrition can help treat headaches without the side effects.
Lets take Acupuncture and explain it. Acupuncture can help release natural painkillers in the body, regulate blood vessel size in the head, and relax neck musculature. It also helps with the emotional component that can cause headaches (see the last post). Hopefully this helps.